Aspergillus is a yeast that can be found on the skin and the digestive tract
People with a compromised immune system are more susceptible to this type of infection because their bodies tend to be unable to fight off the overgrowth of this yeast.
Aspergillus is one of the most common causes of skin problems and allergies. The best way to prevent a person from acquiring Aspergillus is to ensure that the person's body is able to get rid of it as quickly as possible. The body will often build up the fungus in the skin, which then becomes resistant to antibiotics.
Some of the most common skin infections associated with Aspergillus are boils, ringworm, athlete's foot, dermatitis and nail infections. These infections often affect the feet and ankles and can be very painful, if not taken care of.
Skin problems can also occur in the digestive system. People with diabetes or people who are undergoing chemotherapy are more prone to getting these types of infections. These infections often result in ulcers in the digestive tract, which will then become an entry point for fungus into the bloodstream.
In people with a compromised immune system, Aspergillus can lead to serious conditions. Fungal infections such as yeast infections are much more likely to occur in people with HIV or AIDS than they are in those with healthy immune systems.
Some Aspergillus Infections are very mild and may only cause a pimple. If you suspect you have a fungal infection or skin problem, see your doctor immediately. Fungal infections can also be very dangerous, so it is important to seek medical treatment.

To treat Aspergillus infections, a good home treatment method would be to treat the infected area using tea tree oil
It can be very effective in combating the symptoms of fungal infections. This treatment method can also be used with many other types of infections, but may work best in the case of Aspergillus.
Remember that even though Aspergillus is a skin infection, it does not always mean you have an infection of the skin. If you notice redness, itching, burning or discharge that goes on for a long period of time, then you should see your doctor as soon as possible.
Symptoms of Aspergillus may include a thickening of the skin, itching, irritation, redness, thickening of the skin and cracking. However, in most cases, it is not necessary to see a doctor unless the symptoms become so severe.
Aspergillus has some anti-fungal properties in its own right, which is why many people believe it is an important part of the treatment process. One of these properties is that it can help to destroy the fungus on the skin that causes the symptoms. Tea tree oil is known to have this property.
Another Aspergillus treatment that is often recommended is using an anti-fungal cream that contains tetracycline sulfate. This cream kills the fungus without actually killing the skin.
When Aspergillus does not respond well to home remedies or prescription medications, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics. These prescription medications can be either a topical application or an oral pill.