I lost 65 lbs & got off insulin with one simple change!

“Sugar from soda and other sweetened beverages is now the #1 source of calories in the American diet.” (Tufts USDA Research Center)

The best first step to improve & maintain your overall health and attain your natural weight, is to cut down on, or better yet, completely go off all soda and sweetened beverages!


I wrote the above in a recent Facebook post and got the following comment in response. It was so inspiring I thought it was worth sharing…

“In 2010 I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. I drank A LOT of soda, about 2 liters a day. They told me I could switch to diet soda and it would be fine. Diet soda may not have raised my blood sugars but it did give me neurological problems, including seizures because of the large quantities of aspartame I was consuming.

So for my New Year’s Resolution in 2011, I gave up soda completely and began drinking spring water religiously. The first week was the most difficult because I craved the carbonation, but by week two, I actually started to crave the water. Now every once in a while if I get a carbonation craving I’ll have either a plain club soda or seltzer water.

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